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Wheatstone Names SCMS as Exclusive PR&E Dealer in U.S.

Bob Cauthen's dealership had played a similar role for GatesAir

SCMS will be the exclusive U.S. distributor for the Pacific Research & Engineering product line.

Wheatstone made that decision public today, a week after acquiring PR&E’s assets and intellectual property from GatesAir. The announcement was made by Wheatstone CEO Gary Snow and SCMS President Bob Cauthen. This news marks a return to a broader relationship between two companies with longtime connections but who also have competed at times.

SCMS — Southern Coastal Marketing Services — was one of the first Wheatstone dealers way back when. More recently it sold the Pacific line under an exclusive arrangement with GatesAir, thus competing in some situations with Wheatstone consoles, though SCMS also has been and remains a non-exclusive dealer of Wheatstone’s audio processing and Audioarts console lines.

“It’s a good feeling to be back as a full member of the Wheatstone family,” Cauthen stated.

Snow was quoted in the announcement: “There’s not another dealer that knows the PR&E brand or the customer base better than SCMS. They are a critical part of our strategy to revive the brand.”
