Prism Sound will be smashing the price barrier for audio development and production test with its dScope Series III software with the latest measurement hardware interface, the dScope M1.
With this innovative combination of software and hardware, audio development and test engineers can now deploy the most sophisticated, comprehensive and high-performing test solutions starting from just $3395.
The M1 family comprises several units with a range of options including wide bandwidth with maximum sampling rate of 768kHz providing measurement from DC to >200kHz as well as lower residual THD+N (typically <-110dB) for amplitudes up to 100Vrms).
The M1 unit now has an option for Phantom power as either 48V or CCP to enable direct connection of measurement microphones and comes with a suite of tools for measurement of electroacoustic devices including impulse response analysis and logarithmic sine generator sweeps.
The dScope Series III M1 system runs all the standard audio tests such as Frequency response, THD+N, Intermodulation distortion and more, in the most compact and lightweight package ever.
Automation of test setups is a breeze with Prism Sound’s “Auto Sequence” tool. Auto Sequence enables serial execution of saved test setups complete with customizable prompts between setups, if required, and automated collection of results to Microsoft’s Excel spreadsheet, plus automated generation of html test reports.
dScope Series III software has an easy to use Software user interface that presents familiar functionality, based on standard tools such as signal generator, voltmeters, FFT and sweep responses.
The dScope Series III software is already well established with the dScope Series III system unit and is now able to run with both the former range of hardware units or the new M1 family.
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About Prism Sound
Founded in 1987, Prism Sound manufacture high-quality professional digital audio hardware and software for music and sound production for the music, film, television, radio and multi-media markets and a range of specialized measurement equipment used in audio equipment development, manufacturing, system building and maintenance. The company’s product range includes a range of audio interfaces covering applications from desktop or mobile recording & production to major studio facilities; Prism Sound also produces the SADIE audio production workstation software used by major national broadcasters such as the BBC, as well as many of the world’s leading mastering houses and classical or live music recording engineers. Prism Sound measurement equipment is used to measure the performance of either audio electronic devices or electroacoustic devices and is well established in major manufacturing sectors such as automotive electronics, headphones and headsets as well as professional audio.
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