KUALA LUMPUR, Malayasia�Today�s workshop on digital broadcasting generated quite a bit of news ahead of tomorrow�s official start of the Digital Broadcasting Summit, being held in Kuala Lumpur.
RTM Malaysia outlined progress on digital radio in that country. In 2005 a decision was taken to adopt three standards: DVBT, DAB+ and DRM. Trials began in 2009 and �the results are very encouraging,� said Abdul Ramin of RTM. According to Asiaradiotoday.com, The trial licenses expired this year and the Malaysian national broadcasters are hoping they will be quickly renewed by the regulator so that �the next stage of trials can include content trials and listening studies, as well as just technical analysis.�
Kath Brown from Commercial Radio Australia explained that a crucial element in Australia�s success with digital radio was that all sectors of broadcasting agreed on a united policy position and presented it to government. According to Brown, once there is an accepted policy from government, a further step is to get the program makers and receiver manufacturers excited about digital radio, and then get car manufacturers on board.
Digital radios have become a mass market item in Australia; there are about 400 models of digital radio receivers available, with the cheapest model in Australia priced at only $17, available from Aldi supermarkets.