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Google Developing Solar-Powered Drones for Internet Access

It seems that radio communications technology is advancing faster than Google’s airborne developers can move

LOS ANGELES�Less than two years agoI wrote in the virtual pages of DRUhow Google (more specifically, its parent company,Alphabet)and Facebook were working on Internet connectivity, in the far corners of the world, via aircraft. Google�s method (at least then) was high-altitude balloons.�

Now it seems that radio communications technology is advancing faster than Google�s airborne developers can move. It�sbeing reportedthat Google is working �in secret� on solar-powered drones that will deliver Internet connectivity via �millimeter wavelength� radio signals using �5G� standards.�

One thing important to note is that there are no �5G�standards for cellular communications at this time, though many companies are in the development phase.� Verizon appears to betaking the leadamongst the big four carriers.�

You may also find the discussion on why �millimeter wavelengths� have become more and more important by readingthis articlefrom our January 2016 print edition.��
