NEW YORK� While we broadcasters fret over potential consequences of further competition that will certainly eventually be enabled by in-car connectivity, it seems consumers aren�t really concerned so much about in-car entertainment as they are about safety (and rightly so).
Nielsen is reportingthat, while familiarity with connected cars is on the rise, theirAutoTECHCASTreport shows that nearlyone-third of consumers have never heard of these technology-enabled vehicles.These consumers don�t know what connected cars do, and are not associating vehicle brands with �infotainment� badging. �This highlights the need for manufacturers to better promote their branded infotainment systems and find more effective ways to market system-specific features to vehicle owners in order to raise awareness of connected car functionality.�
�Another issue facing connected cars is skepticism around protecting the consumer�s privacy. The AutoTECHCAST Report found that nearly two in three consumers surveyed are not willing to share information over fears their privacy would be comprised.
�Manufacturers will need to further their efforts in educating consumers about the benefits of connected cars, and reinforce privacy options available around how data is collected and security measures that are already in place in order to build trust and ease concerns.�
Iain Gillott, from an article, came to the same conclusions as Nielsen, over two years ago: �…far more � and we mean much more � education is needed on connected cars, the services offered and how they benefit the average consumer. And those benefits need to be tied to safety, reliability and fuel efficiency. If connected car technology can be shown to save money, improve reliability or make the drive to school safer, then consumers are likely to pay more attention and, perhaps, be willing to pay a little more.�
Maybe, eventually, they�ll get around to mentioning Pandora and Spotify; in the meantime, those of us in traditional radio just need to keep doing what we do.��