Norway�s National Communications Authority (NKom) has calculated, and measured the coverage of DAB+ networks across Norway, and found that they now surpass the existing FM coverage there.�
NKom�s results show that the requirements set forth by the Government in Norway, for the planned sun-setting of the FM service there, have now been met, according� �Given that the shut-down conditions are met, Norway is ready to shut down the FM band,� said Torstein Olsen, the director of Nkom.�
The overall assessment for coverage for the public broadcaster NRK shows that it covers 99.5% of the population; the commercial stations network coverage is just under 93% of the population.
�It is gratifying to ascertain from the authorities that the coverage for the new DAB+ networks is on par with or better than FM coverage.�The new DAB+ network is a milestone in the transition towards digital radio, and Nkom�s measurements confirm that Norway is well on the way, every day, towards new radio technology,� said Ole J�rgen Torvmark, CEO of Digital radio Norway.