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Sweden Tacks Away from Norway on FM Radio

Has decided to expand the number of VHF FM channels available there, as opposed to shutting them down

STOCKHOLM �Sweden is going in the opposite direction from its neighbor Norway, and has decided to expand the number of VHF FM channels available there, as opposed to shutting them down. We�vepreviously coveredSweden�s decision to defer their timeline in making a transition to digital radio.�

Sweden�s communications authority, the Post and Telecom Agency, last week announced that they have found 80 available frequencies in the VHF band across the country, enough to establish three new national broadcasting networks in Sweden, with 75 to 80% coverage, according to

The Post and Telecom agency has also found 100 channels that can increase power or make changes in their antennas to increase coverage. Post and Telecom will continue searching for available frequencies, with particular emphasis on large cities, according to the same article.�

The new frequency plan will be submitted to the Swedish government in June and it is expected that the new channels may be on air as soon as next year.�
