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Former Phone Exec. To Head OET

Former Phone Exec. To Head OET

Ed Thomas will be appointed as the Chief of the FCC’s Office of Engineering and Technology. Thomas brings more than 35 years of management experience in
engineering and technology to the commission. He formerly served as the Chief
Executive Officer of a subsidiary of Philips Electronics. He has also served in
several senior positions in Bell Atlantic/NYNEX and AT&T.
Thomas received a Masters Degree in Business Administration from Pace University and both a Masters of Science degree and Bachelors of Science degree in Electrical
Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic University.
FCC Chairman Michael Powell said, “I am confident that under Ed’s leadership, the superb staff of OET will be well armed to take on sweeping, fast-paced changes that characterize the industries that we regulate and guide the commission through the dynamic technical issues before us.”
Acting OET Chief Bruce Franca and Julius Knapp will both continue to serve as Deputy Chiefs of OET.
Franca has served as Acting Chief of OET since December 2000. During this time, Franca was responsible for developing and implementing the Chairman’s Excellence in Engineering Program to enable commission’s staff to develop a strong fluency in technology.
