In this letter to the editor, the author comments on the story “Happy Memories of Cart Machines,” which is a follow-up to Criss Onan’s column “These Were the Carts of Our Lives.” Radio World welcomes letters to the editor on this or any story. Email
Hi, Elle,
I just loved reading Walt Konetsco’s “Tower of Carts” article, as a follow-up to the RW November story on broadcast cart machines. His is one of the best cart stories that I have ever heard. I thought that I’d enclose a scan of the Gates equipment that he described in his article.
The “stacker” that he referred to was most likely the Gates Criterion 55 Tape Cartridge Handler. Here’s a picture of it, along with a larger Gates automation system photo, taken from the Gates Broadcast and Communications Catalog Volume 98 from April of 1970.
Please enjoy, and thanks for the laughs, Walt! I’ll think of you every time I go past a radio station coffee pot!
Steve Hemphill, WA2XMN Licensee, Alpine, N.J.
[Related: “Remembering the Gates Radio Company: Photo Essay“]