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Letter: It’s Too Late For AM. Let’s Talk About Digital Radio

"I believe the time has passed to save AM broadcast radio, much less AM stereo"

In this letter to the editor, the author comments on Rick Wiegmann Koshko’s letter to the editor “AM Stereo Fans Must Present a Unified Front.” Comment on this or any article. Email

I just read an article titled “AM Stereo Fans Must Present a Unified Front.” The letter was very urgent-sounding asking that all parties responsible for the hold back of AM stereo to crease fighting and come together for a solution.

I am afraid this letter is too late to get AM stereo settled. This letter should have been written in the 1990s to get any traction with the opposing parties to get action going for AM stereo receivers. I am sure many Radio World readers were wondering if this was a prank letter or someone who is stuck in the past.

I do not hold much hope for the AM broadcast band as it is seen as obsolete and not used by the younger citizens of our country. I would think a move to go to digital transmitting (IBOC/DRM) would be a better solution. The sound would be better with clear bandwidth and stereo capability to satisfy Mr. Koshko.

Radio manufacturers would have a single design to work towards with digital AM broadcast and receivers, home and auto, [which] could be easily designed and built.

I appreciated Mr. Koshko’s letter, but I believe the time has passed to save AM broadcast (analog) radio, much less AM stereo.

— Dan Ramos

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