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Stop Worrying About the ‘Ifs’

We could waste plenty of time coming up with more "ifs."

As broadcasters, we need to be careful not to let the “ifs” get to us. If the economy continues to tank, if HD Radio is fully implemented, if the Fairness Doctrine returns, if we have to move back to our respective cities of license, if a new music tax will get forced on us … and on it goes.

We could waste plenty of time coming up with more “ifs.” A wise sage once told me that if frogs had glass butts, they’d be in the repair shop all the time. We cannot let these “ifs” allow us to retreat into depression and failure.

Don’t worry about them. We address them; but they should not rule us. Sometimes we pull back to save a couple of bucks when success is just at our grasp simply by doing one more positive move. It’s that next promotion or the next sales call that may allow us to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

It’s necessary to know the value of what we possess here, in the numerous stations that we own and/or operate. They allow us an opportunity to connect with people in an intimate and personal way. Truly, what we do still is appreciated by many. Our vocation is powerful and still useful.

We must do what we can, pull the stops and forge ahead, not retreat. We must be involved in our local communities. We must make the personal connection with our listeners.

Radio is still a medium that, for just a few bucks, allows anyone to pick up a receiver and be informed, entertained and enlightened. If we cease doing this, we will be nothing more than an iPod with commercials.

Jon Yinger
The Christian Broadcasting System Ltd.
Flint, Mich.
