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Radio Sagua Adds AEQ Forum IP

The move is part of Cuba’s effort to upgrade regional stations

The Radio Sagua Broadcast Studio (Photo courtesy AEQ)

From Radio World’s “Who’s Buying What” page: The Cuban broadcasting agency, Instituto Cubano de Radio y Televisión, is expanding its digitization efforts to stations in its regional network. ICRT first upgraded Radio Granma in Manzanillo and, most recently, municipal station Radio Sagua in Sagua la Grande.

For the digitization effort, ICRT relied on equipment from Spanish company AEQ. The broadcaster is using AEQ Forum IP consoles, which allows it to tie operations together via IP.

For Radio Sagua, ICRT is using the Form IP Split configuration, which provides the same capabilities as the consoles used by ICRT in Havana, but at a lower cost. The modular board is designed for on-air control with the ability to handle basic and advanced operations from a compact package. It features a 3-rackunit FR CORE modular engine and can be configured to support up to six quad fader modules and a monitoring unit. The units can be equipped o support DANTE AoIP connectivity or MADI.

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