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FCC Schedules Alerting Webinar for Wednesday

July 25 webinar will focus on changes that are in store for EAS and WEA

WASHINGTON — Want to know what changes are in store for EAS and WEA? Mark your calendars for an upcoming webinar on July 25.

The webinar will focus specifically on issues relevant to broadcasters, state and local emergency managers, along with other alerting stakeholders.

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Hosted by the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau at the Federal Communication Commission and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the topics up for discussion include how authorized alert initiators are trained, recent FCC regulatory actions and changes that are under consideration, recent FEMA updates to the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System, and lessons learned from recent alerting events, including the Hawaii false ballistic missile alert.

The webinar will be held next Wednesday July 25 from 2–3:30 pm Eastern Daylight Time and will be closed captioned. Attendees must register here. Once registered, attendees will receive a confirmation email with instructions for joining the event with a password and a final link for the meeting.

Additional information about the webinar can be found via Greg Cooke at gregory.cooke@fcc.govor 202-418-2351.

At its July Open Meeting, the FCC adopted a Report and Order that offers new guidance on conducting local tests, proposes to permit public service announcements about EAS with the two-tone signal that precedes an actual alert, and proposes that state emergency agencies include procedures in their EAS plans for correcting false alerts.

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