Arbitron Commercializes PPM Ratings in Four New Markets
Jan 5, 2009 9:29 AM
New York – Dec 31, 2008 – Arbitron has commercialized its Portable People Meter (PPM) radio ratings service in four new local markets. The radio audience estimates for the December 2008 PPM survey month (Nov. 21-Dec. 17) have been delivered to subscribers in Dallas-Ft. Worth; Atlanta; Washington, DC; and Detroit.
PPM audience estimates are now considered buy/sell currency in 14 local markets. The latest four join New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Houston, Philadelphia, Nassau-Suffolk, Middlesex-Somerset-Union, Riverside-San Bernardino and San Jose. According to Arbitron, these markets account for 51.7 percent of the estimated radio station revenue in the top 50 radio markets.
In April 2009, Arbitron plans to commercialize the PPM radio ratings service in Boston with the release of the March PPM survey report.