WASHINGTON � The FCC is back up to full strength, and Chairman Ajit Pai expressed pleasure that the Senate has confirmed Brendan Carr and Jessica Rosenworcel.
�I congratulate Brendan and Jessica on their confirmations,� said Pai in a statement.
�As I know from working with each of them for years, they have distinguished records of public service and will be valuable assets to the FCC in the years to come. Their experience at the FCC makes them particularly well-suited to hit the ground running. I�m pleased that the FCC will once again be at full strength and look forward to collaborating to close the digital divide, promote innovation, protect consumers, and improve the agency�s operations.�
The commission has been down to three members since the Trump administration took office. Rosenworcel, a Democrat, is returning now to the commission, where she served from 2012 through the end of last year. Carr, a Republican, was general counsel of the FCC and previously was lead advisor to Commissioner Pai on wireless, public safety, and international issues.
There had been some haggling this week on the Hill over whether Carr should be confirmed for one year or six. It was not immediately clear which outcome won out.
A version of this article originally appeared on RadioWorld.com.