Belar Electronics said it delivered 80 FMM-2/FMS-2 FM stereo sets and 37 AM monitors, including 36 of the new AMM-2 AM Wizards, to Harris Corp. recently.
The monitors are destined for Romania’s state-owned broadcast organization.
“Belar is proud to be part of the effort to upgrade the nation’s broadcast infrastructure,” stated Belar President Arno M. Meyer.
The value of the Belar equipment was not released.
The order was part of a larger $85 million contract for broadcasting equipment issued to Harris, according to information reported by Radio World earlier. The equipment is to be delivered over three years and be used to help upgrade the nation’s broadcast infrastructure. Orban and Dielectric are among other notable subvendors.
Belar Ships Huge Order for Romania
Belar Ships Huge Order for Romania