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Brazil Launches DRM Shortwave Test

Trial began Oct. 28 and there is currently no end date set

Brazilian public broadcaster EBC–Radio Nacional da Amazônia recently began a shortwave (9.750 kHz) Digital Radio Mondiale test, transmitting DRM30. The test is being organized by the Brazilian Digital Radio Association (ABRADIG) and EBC with support from the DRM Consortium.

A low-power transmitter (150 W) has been installed at the Rodeador site in Brasilia with the goal of assessing the behavior of the equipment, signal quality and system stability. Thus far, reports indicate that the signal has been detected all around Brazil and some intermittent signals were received in New Zealand.

The trial began on Oct. 28 and the plan is to keep the signal on air permanently throughout the trial; there is currently no set end date. Tests are being conducted using different antenna patterns and directions. According to DRM, the receivers used in the trial are spread across the country and are owned by ABRADIG. It also said that EBC stated it plans to acquire a more powerful transmitter as soon as possible.

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