A study commissioned by iHeartMedia challenges common assumptions about the efficacy of automotive radio advertising strategies and consumer behaviors.
The media company said that for 17 months, marketing attribution software company LeadsRx tracked “nearly 2 million commercials” run by “more than 300 automotive advertisers” and featuring all major automotive brands.
A report summarizing the findings, “Five Secrets for Automotive Advertisers,” was presented at the Automotive Analytics & Attribution Summit during a workshop titled “Turbocharge Your Radio Spots. The Top 5 Attribution Secrets Discovered From Over 300 Automotive Advertisers.”
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These so-called secrets will likely not surprise seasoned radio professionals; reach and frequency are key. The report concludes, “Running 10 commercials per day using a mix of ad lengths, dayparts, stations and days of the week can lead to a two times greater web traffic response rate.” According to the study, the best recipe appears to be to run a campaign seven days a week, airing ads of multiple lengths between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m.
- After running radio commercials, advertisers saw an average 17% increase in web traffic within 10 minutes.
- Ad campaigns airing seven days a week saw +90% greater results than those who advertised three to four days.
- Web traffic response to advertising is two times greater from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. than in evenings or overnight.
- Multiple ad lengths outperformed campaigns with single ad lengths by over two times.
“The goal of any attribution study is to demonstrate how to make campaigns more effective, and this study confirms that advanced attribution helps automotive businesses to plan, measure and evaluate their advertising,” LeadsRx CEO AJ Brown said in a release announcing the study.
iHeartMedia Executive Vice President of Automotive Business Development and Partnerships John Karpinski said, “Importantly, the use of attribution upended several commonly held industry misconceptions as to what makes for a successful advertising campaign. We [iHeartMedia] are now fully committed to marketing attribution to drive 100% of our automotive advertising business.”