Bill Hess
Cumulus Media has promoted Bill Hess to corporate program director of news-talk. He will also continue in his role as PD for WMAL(AM/FM) in Washington.
“This promotion enables us to take advantage of Bill’s previous experience as a corporate programmer and rewards him for the amazing job that he’s doing at WMAL,” Senior Vice President of Content and Programming Mike McVay.

Patrick Reedy
Hess’ 38-year radio career has spanned positions on-air and in talk programming as program director for stations including: WTEM(AM), Washington; WHJJ(AM), Providence, R.I; and WHYN(AM/FM) in Springfield, Mass. He was also brand manager for Clear Channel Radio/iHeartMedia and served as senior vice president of programming for Air America Radio in New York City. In addition, he has programmed music stations including WASH(FM) and WBIG(FM) in Washington and WSNE(FM) and WWBB(FM) in Providence.
The company also has appointed Patrick Reedy as vice president and market manager for Cumulus Salt Lake City.
Reedy is a 35-year broadcasting and marketing veteran who was VP/market manager for Trumper Communications in Charlotte, N.C., and Salt Lake City, as well as general sales manager in Portland, Ore. He also held management positions for ABC Radio and Gulf South Broadcasters in Houston and New Orleans, respectively. For the last 10 years, Reedy has worked with brand managers for companies such as Coca-Cola, Hallmark and Western Union.