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DAB+ Advances in Switzerland

Swiss celebrate one-millionth digital radio sale

July marked the sale of the one-millionth digital radio in Switzerland.

This number, says Marketing and Consulting for Digital Broadcasting Technologies, takes the audience to approximately 2.4 million, just under a third of all Swiss households. This makes Switzerland, it says, one of the leading countries in Europe when it comes to the penetration of digital radio.

Depending on language region, digital radio listeners in the country have a choice of between 13 and 31 stations, with new ones added frequently.

The third DAB+ transmitter network for some of the German-speaking regions of Switzerland will make it possible to broadcast regional and local stations digitally. It is currently being rolled out in phases, says the release, and will be used by both private radio stations and SRG’s regional magazine programs.

First-phase transmitters for the Zurich-Aargau-Glarus-Schaffhausen region will go on air in December 2012. A second DAB+ network is planned for the French-speaking areas of Switzerland.

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