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Dates to Remember: National WEA and EAS Test Deadlines

EAS participants must complete ETRS Form One no later than Aug. 27

Last month, the Federal Emergency Management Agency announced the date and times for this year’s national tests of of the Wireless Emergency Alert and Emergency Alert System. Both are scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 20, but participating stations must first remember an important deadline.

EAS participants are required to register with the EAS Test Reporting System and must complete ETRS Form One no later than Monday, Aug. 27.

Prior to the test, the FCC suggests that participants make sure the EAS Operating Handbook is handy to review; check that the EAS equipment’s software and firmware is up to date and its clock is synchronized with the time provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology; and also review 2017 ETRS Form One filings.

Then, on Sept. 20 the WEA will be deployed first at 2:18 p.m. (EDT), followed at 2:20 p.m. by the EAS alert test. Then participants must file the “day of test” information sought by ETRS Form Two before midnight.

ETRS Form Three, which contains the detailed post-test data, is due on/before Nov. 5.

Note that the back-up date for the EAS test is Oct. 3.

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