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Daylight Savings Time Pre-Sunrise, Post-Sunset Operations Clarified

The FCC has provided guidance for continued pre-sunrise and post-sunset operations for March by AMs in areas with Daylight Savings Time.

The FCC has provided guidance for continued pre-sunrise and post-sunset operations for March by AMs in areas with Daylight Savings Time.

Daylight Saving Time begins at 2 a.m. on March 9. Licensees with Pre-Sunrise Service Authorizations and Post-Sunset Service Authorizations located in communities with DST should use the April DST “Advanced” powers and time periods for the period between March 9 and March 31.

This adjustment is necessary because the federal government extended the effective period for DST into March.

The commission last year at first erroneously re-calculated and posted revised authorizations, as we reported at the time.

Sorry. No data so far.
