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DC AWRT Program Rescheduled

DC AWRT Program Rescheduled

The Washington chapter of American Women in Radio and Television is holding its rescheduled conference “From the Top: Five Successful Women in Electronic Media” on Oct. 23.

Program moderator, Betty Hudson, Senior VP, National Geographic Society, joins panelists Rita Cosby of the Fox News Channel, Darnise Davis of Close-Up Productions, Susan Fox of The Walt Disney Co., Linda Eckard Vilardo of Radio One and Linda Sullivan of WRC-TV Channel 4 for the event, to be held at the National Cable & Telecommunications Association, 1724 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington.

The reception begins at 6:30, followed by a 7:15 panel discussion and an 8:15 one-on-one workshop.

For more information contact or or call (202) 429-5416.
