WASHINGTON The FCC wants public comments on a report from the National Radio Systems Committee. The NRSC ecommends that Ibiquity Digital Corp.’s FM system be adopted as the in-band, on-channel digital radio system for FM in the United States.
This is the only terrestrial DAB system currently under consideration by the commission. Comments on MM Docket 99-325 are due Feb. 19.
The NRSC report evaluates the extensive laboratory and field-testing of the Ibiquity hybrid modeFM IBOC DAB system, and contains conclusions and recommendations to the agency. The FCC seeks comment on the report, its conclusions and recommendations with respect to the commission’s DAB policy goals and selection criteria.
In addition to the test results on file, additional testing is required. The Ibiquity FM IBOC tests evaluated by NRSC were conducted using MPEG-2AAC perceptual audio coding. Ibiquity intends to redo some tests using the Perceptual Audio Coder acquired in the merger with Lucent Digital Radio.
Ibiquity will submit a report for evaluation on the updated tests. In addition, Ibiquity hopes to complete testing soon to determine the impact of FM hybrid mode operations on the reception of analog FM subcarrier transmissions. The commission also will seek public comment on these results.