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GatesAir Recognizes Engineers

Company executives salute innovators

From left to right, GatesAir engineers Wayne Duello, Dmitri Borodulin and George Cabrera are pictured with Chief Product Officer Rich Redmond (second from right) during the awards presentation for GatesAir patent innovations at the Oasis Conference Center in Cincinnati.

GatesAir executives recently recognized the innovators of the company’s latest patents at a ceremony at the Oasis Conference Center in Cincinnati.

CEO Phil Argyris addressed attendees and then Chief Product Officer Rich Redmond led a presentation in recognition of the company’s recently awarded patents. Engineers Dmitri Borodulin, George Cabrera and Wayne Duello were among those honored at the event.

Borodulin and Cabrera received patents for advancements in broadband, high-efficiency amplification for digital radio and television signals. Duello received a patent for innovations in digital signal processing of digital modulations that reduce interference and strengthen robustness for over-the-air digital TV signals.
