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New Emlab Version from Aldena(2)

Emlab Version features a digital single frequency network (SFN) systems calculation capability for DVB-T, DVB-H and DAB applications.

Aldena has further improved its Emlab field prediction software.

In addition to a more intuitive and accessible user interface, Emlab Version features a digital single frequency network (SFN) systems calculation capability for DVB-T, DVB-H and DAB applications.

The upgrade also offers multilanguage support and an online technical assistance service.

The Aldena Emlab calculation software range, based on an SQL DB platform, comprises Base, Evolution, Coverage, Multi-Coverage and Environment modules.

With Base, the entry-level version, the user can analyze the radiation solid in horizontal and vertical sections. Evolution adds three-dimensional analysis, with the option of adding maps, drawings and 3D reconstructions of the digital terrain model (DTM).

Emlab Coverage enables a simulation of radiation solids and allows the calculation of radio-electric coverage on an orthographic basis, with the use of various algorithms, while Multi-Coverage enables the planning of as many as 100 antenna systems in a geographical area of any size.

The new Environment module assesses the electromagnetic fields radiated in the area of transmitting antennas.
