Engineering Director Chris Murray spec’d and installed all of the equipment.
McKenzie River Broadcasting’s KEQB(FM) of Coburg, Ore., recently made some big changes. The station switched to a regional Mexican format, changed its call sign (previously KSHL), as well as its facility.
“La Que Buena” set an overall budget of $100,000 for equipment, automation and equipment replacement.
The project involved new satellite, new automation, refurbished console, processing, remote control, fiber-optic cable runs, new routers and fiber-to-data converters, backup power, antenna switch, GatesAir FAX5K solid-state FM transmitter, backup transmitter, feed line and antenna, and ductless heat pump.
Decisions about transmitter and exciter, solid-state, and inputs for back-up audio were all deemed critical, according to Doug Tharp of equipment dealer SCMS, who provided all of the equipment at the station’s studio and RF facility.
It’s been broadcasting from the new facility as of Feb. 18.
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