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President/CEO Jackson Leaves NFCB

Exec steps down after three years

Maxie C. Jackson III has stepped down as the National Federation of Community Broadcasters’ president/CEO, according to a release from the NFCB’s Board of Directors.

He led the organization for three years, focusing on member stations’ public service and community engagement, including implementation of the “5 x 5” program, which is intended “to elevate competence and execution in five critical areas of operation — engagement, programming, development, governance and compliance,” according to the NFCB website.

NFCB Board Treasurer Janis Lane-Ewart will serve as the interim president/CEO until a permanent replacement is found for the position. Lane-Ewart most recently served as the executive director of KFAI(FM) in Minneapolis for 11 years, and she has been on the NFCB board since 2004.

Updates on the upcoming search to fill the position will be posted on the NFCB website.

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