Public Radio International is moving to another building within the so-called Warehouse District of downtown Minneapolis. The move to the former Textile Building is planned for early 2010.
The company created and distributes PRI’s “The World.” It also distributes the BBC World Service and programs such as “This American Life” to non-commercial stations.
The building, to be renamed Public Radio International, will include a broadcast studio and a multimedia venue. PRI will take over the fifth floor of the 109-year-old building, as well as part of the first floor. PRI now leases about 18,000 square feet on the ninth floor of Butler Square, a few blocks away.
PRI said its new home is located at a major downtown inflow route, enabling the program distributor to “raise awareness of global issues among millions of commuters through signage and other visual displays.” Plans also include space to showcase PRI hosts and content.