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Radio Unica Begins Hispanics Vote Drive

Radio Unica Begins Hispanics Vote Drive

Spanish language radio network Radio Unica Communications Corp. has launched “Su Voto es Su Voz,” an aggressive vote campaign to address Hispanics nationwide of the importance of their vote on Nov. 7.
The two-pronged campaign features on-air anchor and journalist Maria Elena Salinas.
Phase one of the campaign includes a series of seven PSAs targeted at encouraging Hispanic electoral turnout, which began airing Oct. 10.
Phase two includes a series of two-minute editorial commentaries broadcast of Radio Unica’s “En Contacto,” a behind the headline commentary segment. The commentaries airs three times a day during the last hour of “Sevoeo en Vivo,” “Dra. Isabel” and “El Gordo y Eduardo.”
Radio Unica claims to reach approximately 80 percent of Hispanic USA though a group of owned and/or operated station and affiliated nationwide.
For more information, visit the Web site at
Paul Cogan

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