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IBC2022 Conference Opens Call for Technical Papers

300-word synopses are due by Feb. 9 and can be submitted online

The IBC2022 Conference Technical Papers Programme is now accepting submissions, and they are looking for the latest research on broadcast, communications, electronic media and entertainment fields.

The program, according to IBC, is an opportunity for forward-thinking technologists and companies to put ideas and research before media industry leaders looking for new technology concepts and practical applications.

“Last year we learnt of conversational robots, industry challenging approaches to privacy management, practical improvements to streaming systems and the standardization of AI/Machine learning – to mention only a handful of the excellent papers received,” stated Dr. Paul Entwistle, chair of IBC’s Technical Papers Committee, in the call for papers.

At this stage, the committee is seeking 300-word synopses that provide a clear and concise overview of the concept being discussed in the paper, highlighting what is unique and explaining its background. Synopses are due by Feb. 9, 2022, and can be submitted online via the IBC website.

A panel of professional experts will review all submissions. Papers accepted for presentation at the IBC Conference are considered for the Best Conference Paper Award, which is presented during the IBC Awards.

“This year, more than ever, we are looking forward to the opportunity to sit alongside our peers and learn of their work, enjoying the debate and a glimpse into our industry’s future,” Entwistle stated.
