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Survey Shows American Electronic Preferences

Pick computers over TVs, smartphones, tablets

A new online study conducted by Vision Critical for Clear Channel Media & Entertainment survey challenges common beliefs about the use and ownership of electronic devices.

“This research helps sketch out a picture of how Americans spend their time — and what their priorities are,” Radha Subramanyam, executive vice president of insights and analytics for Clear Channel, said of the findings.

If forced to choose, Americans would rather give up their TVs, smartphones and tablets than their computers.

Respondents from western states were more likely to have a smartphone (56%) than those in the Northeast (46%) and the Midwest (42%).

Women also have more electronics. Women are more likely than men to own smartphones and tablets — 52% of women have smartphones vs. 43% of men; and 31% of women have a tablet or ereader compared to 25% of men.

Media multitasking is prevalent. Two-thirds (65%) of respondents have been online while watching TV; 59% have been online while listening to music; and a quarter of respondents watch TV and listen to music at the same time.

Only one in 10 consumers (11%) think it is “no big deal” if they accidentally leave their smartphone at home for the day. Most (78%) keep their smartphones in the bedroom at night, and 60% keep them on the nightstand.

Although almost 70% of smartphone owners feel “connected” most or all of the time, 51% say they “love it;” and 49% say it “has its pluses and minuses.”

Two out of three consumers choose to turn on music (59%) rather than TV (39%) to alter their mood.

More than 70% of those who stream live radio on their smartphones have streamed a live radio station from a locale different than where they live.

Smartphones are a constant “accessory.” Almost half of consumers (45%) use their smartphone cover or case to reflect their taste or personality.

When using headphones, two in every three listeners still prefer earbuds to over-the-ear headsets.

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