The Arbitron/Edison Media study, described above, details some interesting results in regards to consumer perceptions of radio and other media.
Among the findings:
* Internet radio is growing rapidly. “The monthly audience … now tops an estimated 52 million, an increase from an estimated 37 million people in 2005,” the researchers announced. “The weekly Internet radio audience also increased 50 percent over the past year, with 12 percent of the U.S. population age 12+ (an estimated 30 million) having listened to Internet radio in the past week, up from 8 percent in 2005.”
Arbitron said online radio reaches one in five people 18–34 each week, and 15 percent of people 25–54.
* More than a third of respondents were “very” or “somewhat” interested in HD Radio; more than 40 percent of satellite subscribers say they are interested in HD Radio as well. “More than one-third of those who said they were interested in HD Radio say they would be likely to purchase an HD Radio receiver at a $100 price point, and 58 percent of those interested say they would be likely to purchase at $50,” Arbitron and Edison Media stated.
* AM/FM radio does not appear to be losing time spent listening, which Arbitron/Edison Media put at 2 hours 45 minutes daily for the average consumer, “compared with 2 hours 48 minutes among those who listen to digital radio,” meaning they have listened to Internet radio in the past month or subscribe to satellite radio, or have ever listened to an audio podcast.
* The researchers said 77 percent of Americans say they expect to listen to AM/FM radio as much as they do now despite increasing advancements in technology. “The same holds true for Internet radio listeners (77%) and those who have tried audio podcasting (73%). Satellite radio subscribers showed slightly less dedication to traditional broadcasting, with 64 percent saying they plan to continue listening to the same amount of AM/FM radio.”
* Awareness of satellite radio “has reached equal levels of 61 percent awareness each, among those age 12 and older.” Nearly one in five non-subscribers say they are “very” or “somewhat” likely to subscribe to satellite in the next 12 months.
* Podcasting attracts a youthful audience; more than half are under 35. But Arbitron also said respondents showed some confusion about the term and the difference between podcasting, Internet broadcasting and downloadable music.
“Consumers are quickly embracing radio’s digital platforms and this new research reveals that these advertising vehicles are becoming increasingly viable,” stated Arbitron official Bill Rose.