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Upcoming Events(2)

14–17 July 2008: AMIC Annual Conference, Manila, Philippines4–5 August 2008: LABS'08, Miami, Florida14–16 August 2008: New Media Expo, Las Vegas, Nevada17–21 August 2008: Southern African Broadcasting Association General Conference, Turtle Bay, Mauritius21–23 August 2008: CommWorld 2008, Metro Manila, Philippines24–25

14–17 July 2008:AMIC Annual Conference, Manila, Philippines

4–5 August 2008:LABS’08, Miami, Florida

14–16 August 2008:New Media Expo, Las Vegas, Nevada

17–21 August 2008:Southern African Broadcasting Association General Conference, Turtle Bay, Mauritius

21–23 August 2008:CommWorld 2008, Metro Manila, Philippines

24–25 August 2008:PAL Show, Toronto, Ontario

26–29 August 2008: Caribbean Broadcasting Union Annual General Meeting, Havana, Cuba

27–29 August 2008:SET/Broadcasting & Cable, São Paulo, Brazil

29 August–3 September 2008:IFA, Berlin, Germany

8–10 September 2008:Highway Africa, Grahamstown, South Africa

11–16 September 2008:IBC2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands

17–19 September 2008:Popkomm, Berlin, Germany

17–19 September 2008:The NAB Radio Show, Austin, Texas

23–25 September 2008:RF&Hyper Europe 2008, Paris, France

23–25 September 2008:Siberia TV and Radio Broadcasting, Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia

25–27 September 2008:BishkekTelecom, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

1–3 October 2008: CommunicVietnam, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

2–5 October 2008:125th AES Convention, San Francisco, California

8–10 October 2008:Informatika i Svyaz’, Kyiv, Ukraine

8–11 October 2008:Public Broadcasters International, Arles, France

10–11 October 2008:National Radio Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

12 October 2008:Amateurfunk-, Rundfunk- und Elektronikbörse Dresden (ARED) , Dresden, Germany

15–17 October 2008:Streaming Media Europe, London, England

15–19 October 2008:Broadcast India 2008 Symposium & Exhibition, Goregaon (East), Mumbai, India

20–23 October 2008:SIEL&SATIS, Le RADIO, Paris, France

21–23 October 2008:Africast, Abuja, Nigeria

21–24 October 2008:TechnicAcústica / Acústica / ExpoAcústica, Coimbra, Portugal
