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Inside the August 12 Issue of Radio World Engineering Extra

Get the latest RDS best practices and hear about AM digital from two engineers that are actually doing it

Radio World Engineering ExtraIn this issue, Cris Alexander and the EE team bring you two special in-depth articles: a look at an RDS best practice topic from data guru Alan Jurison, and the full text of a white paper that Dave Kolesar and Mike Raide had planned to present at this spring’s NAB Show, summarizing and updating their findings about all-digital AM operation.

Read It Online Here.

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Best Practices for RDS Subcarrier Injection

With dashboards using so much data, it’s important to maintain proper injection levels.

Digital Radio

A Case Study in All-Digital AM HD Broadcasting

Refinements, performance tests, multicasting and lessons learned at digital station WWFD(AM) in Frederick, Md.


What to Know About Gain Structure

Larry Wilkins explains why broadcast engineers should take note of this concept even for digital operations.

