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Inside the October 21st Issue of Radio World Engineering Extra

Co-locating AM with a cell tower, good bones and hybrid radio synchronization

Radio World Engineering ExtraIn this issue we learn how Jim Dalke and Stephen Lockwood are co-locating an AM station’s facilities with a cell tower. Hal Kneller describes the creation of a unique quasi-SFN using GatesAir Intraplex gear. And Buc Fitch helps you build an unbalanced-to-balanced converter.

Read it online here.

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Project Journal

Co-locating an AM With a Cellular Tower

Jim Dalke, the owner of KARR, and Stephen Lockwood of Hatfield & Dawson obtained a construction permit to install a slant wire-fed cellular monopole.

From the Editor

Does Your Site Have Good Bones?

Cris Alexander has seen a few ugly things when conducting due diligence visits, such as transmitters with their side and back panels removed and interlocks jumpered out so that lethal voltages are exposed. How would your site shape up?

Also in this issue:

