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Trends in Audio Processing 2022

A new free ebook from Radio World

Cover image of the Radio World ebook Trends in Audio Processing 2022, with a concept image of audio level metersThis Radio World ebook explores the evolving world of on-air and online audio processing for radio broadcasters and streamers.

We talked to power users and consultants like Alan Jurison, Gary Kline, Jason Ornellas, David Bialik, Daniel Hyatt and Chris Tarr about their processing approach for OTA, streaming and other channels.

We also asked sponsoring manufacturers to weigh in, gathering insights from Frank Foti of Telos Alliance, Jeff Keith of Wheatstone, Bob Orban of Orban Labs, Cornelius Gould of Angry Audio and Hans van Zutphen of Thimeo Audio Technology.

If loudness was the goal in years past, what characterizes on-air processing at most successful radio stations today?

What are the implications of the cloud for on-air processing products? How do the trends toward centralization, regionalization and virtualization affect processing decisions?

What other distribution channels require audio processing attention in 2022 beyond the OTA signal? And what best practices should stations know about when processing for streaming?

Read it here.

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