Radio World’s 2010 CoolCast Video Podcasts
Click below to see Cool Stuff winners from the NAB show floor. Below that, you can find the list of winners with links to more information as we profile each winner.
Radio World’s “Cool Stuff” Award is given to products and technologies exhibited at the annual NAB Show, selected by a panel of expert radio broadcast engineers as notable for their design, features, cost efficiency and performance in serving radio broadcast users. The recipients will be featured in Radio World, which is read by thousands of broadcast professionals in the United States, around the world and online. Products were chosen for the Radio World “Cool Stuff” Awards from among the hundreds, if not thousands, of new products on display at the convention.
Arrakis Systems ARC-8 Radio Console Family
Axia Audio iQ Console + Router System
Burk Technology Autopilot 2010 with Jet Active Flow Charts
BW Broadcast RX1 & RBRX1 FM DSP Receivers
Comrex ARC ACCESS Reporter Codec for Android
Continental Electronics 802Ex FM Exciter
Digital Alert Systems DASDEC-II Emergency Messaging Platform
ENCO Systems iDAD App & interchange
Kintronic Labs Express Radio Transmission System
Moseley Rincon Digital Audio Transporter
Nautel Asymmetrical Sideband Technology
Omnia Audio Omnia.11 FM Processor
Orban Optimod-FM 8600 Digital Audio Processor
Radio Design Labs EZ Series Product Line
RadioDNS Radio Broadcasting/IP Project
RCS iPush App for NexGen Digital
Tieline Technology Report-IT Live App for iPhone
Vorsis AirAura Super Digital Audio Spectral Processor
Wheatstone E1 Control Surface Console System
Only a small number of products were chosen for the Radio World “Cool Stuff” Awards from among the hundreds, if not thousands, of new products on display at the convention.