I frequently exchange interesting websites with my old and new friends in radio and TV. Some sites might be broadcast related or a link to a great old video, while others might be a link to really cool new technology. Each week I hope to share some of the more interesting sites and group them in these regular blog posts I’m calling “Off the Beaten Path.” Today’s episode — “That Jingly Feeling.”
Radio jingles have been a staple of radio for decades. They create the “brand” of the station or the overall feel of the format, plus they do a great job at bridging music. They’re almost considered as essential as music is to some formats like pop, while in others you might never hear one (like Rock). No matter how you feel about them, they certainly can be catchy and fun!
Here’s a fun video of what goes on behind making a radio jingle. Here well-known jingle house JAM Productions is producing “77 WABC Jingles” for the iconic WABC(AM) in New York. What makes this neat is the big orchestration behind this older jingle. A lot of people don’t realize the effort that goes into producing jingles.
I made a trip to TM Studios, another well-known jingle producer, in Dallas about three years ago. Amazing place and a really fun tour! Beautiful recording facility and incredibly m-a-s-s-i-v-e music library! If you’re ever in that part of our “world neighborhood,” I’d suggest giving the folks there a call and see if you can get “the nickel tour.” While you’re at it, maybe make it a two-fer and see if JAM Jingles will also show you around. They are also in Dallas.
Here at TM Studios is a vocal is a vocal session for 102.1 MAS Radio in Spanish. As you’ll see, a lot of work goes into each jingle.
Here’s a fun video of Cousin Brucie Morrow really working the jingles and music at WCBS(FM). The guy knows how to blend his delivery with the content like no other!
And who produced Cousin Brucie’s jingles? JAM. “We need more JAM jingles!” he says. The “Cuz” has been around forever … and so have jingles.
And finally… Less than a “Happy” Birthday. After over 100 years of this song being a “licensed song,” it appears that it might actually be public domain. At least that’s what is claimed in this lawsuit. If so, would Warner have to pay back all those fees? Happy Birthday to us for future use if they win.
If you stumble across a good or unusual web site that might be of interest, please don’t hesitate to send me the link and any info you might have about it. My email address is dan_slentz@yahoo.com.