How will the media consumers of tomorrow get their media? Anyone who has been paying attention knows that a titanic shift in media consumption is underway, in hardware, in format, in presentation and in content. In many ways, tomorrow has already arrived.
The latest is BYO, a project of founder Michael Robertson. A recent CNET Media Maverick piece took a quick look at Robertson’s plans for world Internet media domination.
The article quotes Robertson as saying, “All online radio does now is transfer audio over the Web … Web radio should be personalized.” He seeks to differentiate BYO from online music services (e.g., Pandora) and single-station streamers by making BYO a customizable Web audio media aggregator. One that includes news, sports, traffic and weather sources rather than being devoted exclusively to building music playlists. Sources for news include Fox or CNN or Reuters.
BYO also adds some tweaks such as being able to vocalize text and being able to choose voices for text reading. According to the CNET piece BYO is also compatible with iPhones and Android smartphones. Additional outlets include dedicated Internet radios such as the Logitech Squeezebox.
BYO is an extension of Robertson’s current online music service,