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AP Upgrades APx Software

New version speeds up measurements

Test and measurement equipment maker Audio Precision has announced an upgrade to the software of its APx systems.

The main improvement of version 2.7, a free update, is a “multi-tone” analyzer that can measure up to 19 elements in under two seconds. Note that the company says the update will be available in mid-December.

According to a release: “The new APx multitone analyzer returns the following results in graphic or tabular data form: level, THD+N, noise density spectrum, gain, THD+N spectrum, noise RMS level, relative level, crosstalk, signal-to-noise ratio, deviation, crosstalk at tone, DC level, phase, total RMS level, frequency shift, phase at tone, RMS level at tone, FFT spectrum, TD+N ratio and maximum level at tone.”

Analyzer prices start with the APx515, priced at $6,200.
