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DRM Engages With Africa

Virtual roundtable set for July 26

Across Africa, radio remains the most widely used communications medium. To support the future development of the medium on the continent, the DRM Consortium is hosting a virtual “Africa Roundtable” on July 26.

The session follows a series of African workshops, conferences, and exhibitions in which the DRM Consortium has participated. It is the first such event the consortium has organized for African broadcasters, and it aims to use the session to highlight the DRM open digital radio standard’s technologies, benefits and implementation.

According to the Consortium, the interactive virtual roundtable was established after receiving interest in DRM from a number of media experts and broadcasters across the 54 nations of Africa.

To register for the session, which will be held from 1000–1130 UTC (6–7:30 a.m. EDT) on July 26, visit

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