Angry Audio is adding to its StudioHub line of studio interconnects with four rackmounted XLR breakout boxes.
Each one rack unit high, 19-inch-wide powder-coated steel box features XLR connectors on the front panel and RJ45 connectors and DB-25 D-subs on the rear.
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Angry Audio explains the configuration choice, “RJ45 connectors in the StudioHub+ format accommodate mono and stereo analog and digital audio signals. DB25 connectors are in the popular AES59 standard (Tascam format). Plus, we even give you RJ45 connectors in the new AES72 standard.”
The four versions offer front-panel complements of 16 female XLR connectors (XLR_16F); 16 male XLR connectors (XLR_16M); eight female and eight male XLR connectors (XLR_8FM) (pictured); and two groups of four female and four male XLR connectors (XLR_4FM).
Contacts are gold-plated. Price: $295.
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