From the Radio World “Who’s Buying What” page: Austin public stations KUT and KUTX are using several audio products from Tascam.
KUT 90.5 FM airs news and information and is Austin’s NPR affiliate. KUTX 98.9 FM is a AAA music station, “The Austin Music Experience.” A third signal, KXBT(FM) in Sommerville, rebroadcasts KUTX.
KUT installed a SS-R250N Solid-State Recorder in July. It is integrated into the station’s Axia Livewire network and serves as the primary backup for recording interviews and segments for the statewide news show “Texas Standard.”
“For the most part, we use the SS-R250N for recording interviews,” Technology Coordinator Rojith Thomas told Tascam. “We have one unit in our Music Library for digitizing vinyl records, playback and listening to songs. In two other recording studios, we have older DA-3000 models that are used for recording two-way interviews as well as full-session musical performances by various bands.”
The station also has two SS-R250N systems in its technical operations center running as backup music sources for the KUTX FM and HD channels. Silence detectors will switch the live programming to the SD cart players in base of a technical issue. Another SS-R250N is planned for the Somerville site.
KUT also uses 16 older Tascam CD-500B players, including a pair in each of four edit bays, the production studios, another in the Texas Standard studio, and in the broadcast booths for KUT and KUTX. Hosts can control the CD players through the on-air consoles via GPIO/Serial commands.
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