OSLO � The second county in Norway shut down some of their FM transmitters this week. So we checked in with our Norwegian correspondent, broadcast engineer Eivind Engberg, to see how things are going.
�This week will see the second county turn off FM, but only public service broadcaster NRK will turn off their FM signal in this region. The commercial national networks will turn off the FM signal April 21,� Engberg said.
�This region [Romsdal and Tr�ndelag counties] has a much higher population than Nordland county and we might see better the listener habits in this area � Nordland is too �small� to determinate the listener habits. But now a larger [Norway�s third largest] city will be without national public FM broadcaster…so this will give a better indication…�
Engberg still indicates that there are barriers to the listening public in accepting what is happening for several reasons: the expense of a new radio set and areas where coverage is lacking.�When it comes to listener feedback, several feedback indicators show that they still have challenges ahead.
In Nordland, the newspaper created a map toshow how listeners are reporting bad coverage.�The mapis perhaps a bit hard to interpret at first (A tip: use the Chrome browser to view foreign websites. It will then ask if you want to translate the pages to English.). The more red one sees in the circle representing the number of responses of that area, the worse the coverage is.�
Most of thecomplaintscenter on thecostfor the conversion to DAB radio sets.