OSLO � Norway�s Metro Group is continuing to broadcast on FM in Oslo, despite the order to shut down last Friday. Radio Metro, The Beat and Radio Rox remain on-air, according to radionytt.no.
P4 and Radio Norway turned off their FM stations in eastern Norway on Friday, Dec. 8.�Earlier this fall, NRK did the same. The state-owned broadcasters demanded that the local radio stations in the big cities should turn off their FM signals simultaneously, so that they would not get any benefits or hijack listeners in the transition to DAB.
Metro Group�s Chief Svein Larsen thinks it’s wrong that he has to turn off his transmitters because the competitors want it, and believes that Metro is the victim of unfair discrimination, according to the same article.
Norsk Lokalradioforbund has appealed the suspension of FM to the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) and the Norwegian authorities and the case will be handled before Christmas.�The Ministry waited for six months to respond to the letter from the Lokaradioforbundet.�”Radio Metro will nevertheless wait for ESA’s finalization of the case before we turn off our FM frequencies in Oslo,” says Larsen, quoted in the same article.�