ATLANTA � Triton Digital�s Webcast Metrics has released its monthlydigital audio Top 20 Ranker for June 2016.The ranker is a listing of the top-performing digital audio stations and networks measured by the Webcast Metrics audience measurement platform.
Webcast Metrics uses a proprietary platform to track audience data and to convert it to easier to unpack audience metrics. Rankings are done on the basis of �Average Active Sessions�, with “Session Starts” and �Average Time Spent Listening� also displayed. Average Active Sessions is defined as �Total Listening Hours divided by hours in the reported time period.� TLH is defined as the total number of hours that the station/publisher has streamed during sessions with duration of at least one minute in total within the reported time period. Session Starts is defined as �the number of different requests for streams (i.e., stream requests) with duration of at least one minute in total within the reported time period.� Average Time Spent Listening is defined as �the average number of hours for each session with duration of at least one minute in total within the reported time period. (Calculated as total time spent listening divided by active sessions.)�
Rankers are divided into �Domestic� and �All Streams.� The �Domestic� Ranker quantifies listening done inside the U.S. based on log-based information provided by the station, this report is not MRC accredited. The �All Streams� Ranker merely verifies the quantity of streams without qualifying where they are being consumed, and is MRC accredited.