Jim Price: A Life Full of Radio and Faith
He co-founded Sterling Communications and embraced low-power FM radio
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He co-founded Sterling Communications and embraced low-power FM radio
Uncle Sam’s radio engineers face familiar problems
Musing about platforms, data services and radio’s place on the glass dashboard
BBN expects to be fully compliant by early August
New Telecommunications Services Offer Advantages for News Reporting
FASTROAD introduces a tool to help you do efficiency comparisons
Radio people tell their stories in their own unique voices
A consulting engineer muses about the benefits of refarming UHF
Jim Withers says Facebook is great, but nothing beats face time
This month Radio World has started our preview coverage of radio’s biggest annual convention.
Don Miller helps Washington get a head start in implementing CAP
Readers enjoyed our story about an early love affair
New law also offers FCC an opportunity to make some beneficial changes
He’s Steve Church’s replacement as CEO. What should we expect from Telos now?
Conlon’s strategy is to address radio’s ‘three significant challenges’
At least so far, his personality and style seem well suited to the task
Nevada SECC chair talks about governor’s activation and other concerns
Milford Smith, recipient of Radio World’s Excellence in Engineering Award, plays a leadership role...
Book titles you might consider as a gift or for your own fireside
Broadcasters got their extension, but numerous questions still remain
‘If we have steel in the air, we’ll be there for you’
The pressure is on radio to maintain relevance in a changing world
Animal, vegetable or mineral, someone’s probably made a radio out of it
Gary Lawrence aims to help stations maximize their valuable technical assets
On Sept. 30, you can ask these insiders the one question that’s most on...
‘Fiercely independent’ engineer and salesman, who passed away earlier this year, succeeded in multiple...
Mine include a new transmitter installation with a twist
Consumer electronics companies see an opportunity in promoting ‘radio’
You can voice your opinion on our website; these readers did
I aim to provide useful content for technical managers & engineers. How am I...
Webinar explores tech issues, using spring convention to provide a snapshot
In 1961 Joseph Rohrer was president, manager and chief engineer of WLCX(AM) in La...
The greater flexibility of data transmission offers the possibility of improvements
Is a new product still cool if it hasn't started shipping?
Richard Arsenault believes AM needs serious intervention to remedy interference
Move to Central Hall accompanied a welcome upturn in business
Researcher says an improving economy should help, but challenges remain
Also: we start a new feature on information technology with Stephen Poole
The third-party resale business continues to evolve in radio
For this technically minded man, it’s all about psychology