ALEXANDRIA, Va.� Last week in Vegas, a team of anonymous judges reviewed submissions to the 2015 Best of Show awards.
After spending a lot of time walking the exhibit floor at NAB Show, the panel narrowed the field down to 11 winners in the Radio magazine category. �They are as follows:
- Broadcast Bionics Ltd.:���Virtual Director � A Radio Visualisation System
- BW Broadcast Ltd.:���Plan B Encore, Silence Monitor and Audio Back Up Player
- DEVA Broadcast Ltd.:���FM/HD Radio & IP Audio Confidence Monitoring Receiver
- ENCO Systems, Inc.:���enStreamer � Audio/Video Decoder and Automated Player
- Inovonics Inc.:���SIMON 614 Multiple Stream Monitor
- Nautel:���NT 5 and 10 Digital/Analog AM transmitters and�HD Multiplex
- O.C. White Co.:���ProBoom Ultima Family of Low Profile Microphone Booms & scalable monitor system
- Shure, Inc.:���MOTIV Digital Microphone Product Line
- Wheatstone Corp.:���WheatNet-IP Network Edge
- WorldCast Systems:���APT SureStreamer
The program recognizes outstanding products exhibited at the spring NAB Show that are new since the prior NAB Show.�
Winners receive an award for display, and winners will be reported in NewBay Media publications, and all nominated products will be featured in the special Best of Show Awards Program Guide, to be distributed in digital edition form this spring.