AudioScience has added Low Sample rate Format (LSF) MP3 support to its ASI6000 audio adapter line.
Also known as MPEG2 and MPEG 2.5 Layer 3, the LSF supports MP3 coding and decoding at sample rates of 8, 11.025, 12, 16, 22.050 and 24 kHz and bit rates of 8 kbs to 160 kbs. All signal processing is done on the adapters DSP, freeing resources on the host PC processor.
The new MP3 formats will be supported on these AudioScience adapters: ASI6012, ASI6122, ASI6114, ASI6118, ASI6244 and ASI2214 SoundSlice. Low sample rate MP3 is available as a free update (v2.82) on the AudioScience Web site,
AudioScience Adds LSF to Audio Adapters
AudioScience Adds LSF to Audio Adapters